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ACC NSW and ACT Pastors Health team exist to advocate for and resource pastors and leaders in the health and wellness space.

We want you to be able to connect to your calling, enjoy holistic health and lead with confidence and courage. When these things are in place we believe our pastors will not only have longevity and sustainability, but also effectiveness in their personal life and ministry.


Being a pastor or church leader has always been a challenging vocation, however there are a number of issues in our modern world that are making good men and women feel unsustainable in their  leadership roles. Senior leaders face a complexity of roles, cultural pressures and lack of margin for self-care.

Our soul is like an inner stream of water,
which gives strength, direction and harmony
to every other element of life.

Dallas Willard

Renovation of the Heart


Take our free assessment below to discover your rest level!

Praise and Hands Raised


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What areas of Pastor's Health interest you?

Thank you for getting in touch.



This page identifies and provides resources for YOU.


Please read the information below, listen to the videos, meet our team and contact us if you have any questions.


Here’s to running the race, finishing well and being well when you finish.


Thank you from your PH Team.


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Ps Roz Zaia


Ps Caleb Dwyer


Ps Susan Marcuccio


Ps Steve Farr



The State Pastoral Team is made up of married couples and individuals who have had life experience, fruitful ministries and leadership roles in ACC. These couples create a safe place where senior leaders and their partners, over a meal or coffee, can share honestly about life, leadership, family, failures and successes. A pastoral couple has been appointed to each region.


Caleb and Renee Dwyer oversee this team.





Professional Supervision (Pastoral) provides a safe, confidential space for pastors and leaders to discuss what’s happening in their ministry with someone who is trained to provide this support. It follows the Biblical principle of discipleship and having partners in ministry, which is modelled by Jesus in Matthew 6:6, 7, 30-32, providing encouragement, accountability and time out to rest and reflect.


Supervision provides personal and professional development, helps people to gain perspective, identify their core values and to understand more about themselves and why they respond or react the way they do.


Supervision assists people to thrive in leadership and ministry, stay in their calling, do what they love to do, make good choices, have good boundaries and practice holistic self-care. The great flow on effect of this is the health of our families and churches.


Susan Marcuccio oversees our Supervisors.



Sometimes we can get stuck in an area of our life and, with a mentor or coaches guidance, we can unlock that area which brings benefit to ourselves and all those around us.


Our team has endorsed a few people to mentor/coach our ACC pastors who each have an area of speciality. These people bring different strengths and experience, providing a spectrum of support for our Pastors and Leaders.


You can go directly to the information below and choose from one of our mentors/coaches, each mentor/coach  charges individually and costs will vary according to their own private business.


Alternately, you can contact Ps Steve Farr who oversees our mentoring/coaching and talk through what you are looking via the contacts below. 

Mentoring has helped our personal and leadership growth. It’s important to have a safe place to share and work through areas in your life that are causing frustration or challenge. We feel mentoring has helped our marriage and family life as we talk through everyday life situations and by setting goals regularly to continue to grow. It also helped us practically in our ministry journey to grow and work towards achieving goals that our mentor keeps us on track with. Mentoring has been very valuable to us as a couple and as leaders.


Jason and Angela Mitchell

Generocity Church


Annette Bartlett  



Specialist Mentor for women and leaders


With over 30 years of experience in leadership and mentoring roles, Annette has been involved at both regional and state levels with ACC and Australian Christian Women. Her life experience encompasses roles as a wife, mother, grandmother, leader, and pastor in often complex and diverse environments, both within the church and the local community.


Annette is passionate about supporting pastors, leaders, and chaplains, having been trained in faith-informed coaching, mentoring, and professional supervision. 


Through her own journey of being coached and mentored, she became aware of and passionate about the need for pastors, leaders, and chaplains to have support systems in place to fulfill the call of God on their lives in a sustainable and healthy way. To address this need, Annette has been trained in faith-informed coaching, mentoring, and now Professional Supervision. Following the completion of her role as senior leader of her local church, she has launched Tend Leaders as her platform to provide these services.


Annette is a recognized mentor and supervisor with Chaplaincy Australia, AAOS (associate member), and a part of the Australian Christian Mentoring Network. She has also been trained with Half Time Australia as a coach.​​​​​​​​​​​

Greg McKewin 



Marriage and Business Coach


Hello, I'm Greg McKewin, I've been coaching and mentoring others for over 25 years, specializing in marriage, business, finances, and general leadership coaching. 


My background includes training as a teacher, transitioning into business, and growing three successful companies over the next 20 years. In early 1998, I stepped away from business into full-time ministry. In 2002, I planted a church and established a new business to support our family financially for the first seven years of planting our church. In 2012, we purchased five acres to build a new auditorium and infrastructure. More recently, we transitioned our church, merging with a campus model church network after raising up a campus/lead pastor from within our congregation.


Throughout our ministry journey, we have always been passionate about helping and equipping marriages. We pursued training in this area and established a successful marriage ministry in Australia that has helped hundreds of couples have better marriages.


I have been married to my beautiful wife Robyn for 45 years, we are parents to four great adult kids and grandparents to nine lively grandkids. I try to keep active and enjoy travel and all sports (maybe not synchronized swimming!).​​​​​​​


​​​​​​​​Marilyn Brett





Identity Coach, Marriage and Family Mentor


Marilyn Brett is a trained counsellor and an accredited coach. Alongside her husband Kevin, she has been pastoring churches for over 50 years. They have two married daughters, six grandchildren and they reside on the Coffs Coast of New South Wales.


Marilyn understands that life isn’t always easy, but she firmly believes that it can be simple. She advocates getting off the hamster wheel, rejecting feelings of being stuck, overwhelmed, burdened, hectic, or exhausted. Starting from a place of internal peace, life becomes an open door to creativity, fulfilment, and fruitfulness, without the need to climb ladders or reach standards.


Marilyn's approach centres on the premise that your life is built on the foundation of your identity – the story you tell yourself about yourself. If that foundation is unstable, your whole life will be. Identity coaching, as she sees it, is 'soul therapy' – a confidential and safe space to discover your Unique Self, heal from living out of a distorted identity, and find someone within yourself you actually like.​​​​

Murray Newman





Specialising in unlocking your unique call, your purpose - all with a prophetic edge


Murray Newman specializes in connecting people with God, themselves, and others by revealing God's purpose, working with uniqueness, and focusing on joy and hope beliefs while understanding deep spiritual needs.


With 35 years of ministry experience in both Senior ministry and itinerate in the prophetic, Murray can help you unpack your unique self and expression in the body of Christ, enabling you to deeply connect with God and your calling. Many churches in Australia and overseas rely on Murray's insights to help individuals and teams function at a higher level.


Murray is in high demand for his one-on-one sessions, which are truly fruitful and long-lasting in their impact.​​​​​​​


​​​​​Steve Farr



Specialty is helping pastors lead effectively by knowing God personally, understanding biblical success, and gaining skills for growing a healthy, flourishing church.


Steve has served in pastoral leadership for over thirty years. He is a seasoned leader with proven track record in leading teams, cultivating healthy communities and building a flourishing discipleship culture. Adept at providing clear direction, implementing effective structures, managing finances, navigating change and keeping a sharp focus on goals. Steve possesses diverse experience in public speaking, teaching and educational program development and a creative entrepreneurial mindset. He is committed to empowering people and fostering healthy team environments, characterised by unity, productivity and longevity. 


Steve has served in various roles including, assistant worship and youth pastor of International Christian Centre. In 1997, Steve and his wife Bec, pioneered Hillsong Sydney Inner West campus, which became a large, strong, vibrant, multi-ethnic community that reflected the inner western suburbs of Sydney with people of all ages, socio-economic and educational backgrounds. In 2013, Steve pioneered and developed Hillsong Night School, the discipleship arm of Hillsong Church offering multiple courses across diverse streams seeing close on 14,500 enrolments over 12 years. 

Simultaneously, Steve also served for many years as the Sydney Central Regional leader and then as NSW Ethnic Churches Leader of NSW Australian Christian Churches.


Steve offers mentoring, professional supervision, team and leadership development for spiritual health, personal discipleship and leadership growth for pastors and churches.


Jody Kubo​





Jody Kubo is a Life Coach and professional Pastoral Supervisor specialising in mentoring Leaders and Pastors from ethnic communities;

Jody has over 35 years of cross-cultural experience in discipleship, coaching, team building, leadership development, and pastoral partnerships, as well as establishing international mission and local church partnerships of various denominations.

He is motivated to serve leaders from ethnic communities and to empower emerging leaders of any culture for their encouragement, development, and wellbeing. Jody has had a lot of experience coaching, training and leading while living in Japan and Australia. He is also a chaplain and a member of the International coaching Federation.

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As a State Executive, we wanted to invest in your emotional and spiritual health. So, with this in mind, we have set up a Pastors’ Health Hotline.


If you call this number Ps Marilyn Brett will be available to talk to you and help you find the right support. Marilyn is a coach, mentor and has pastored along with her husband for 35 years. Perhaps you need a debrief, a pastoral visit, information about counselling– we want to help you find the best way forward.

Save this number in your phone or share it with a friend. We love you, we believe in you and we know that when we have a safe place to talk, we stay healthy.

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Roz Zaia

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